Digital Imaging

The eye is the only place in the human body where we can directly see the blood vessels.

We’ve invested in the latest technology to help in prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of ocular conditions. Our optometrists may recommend some or all of the following types of digital imaging as part of your ocular wellness exam:
Optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging: This imaging device captures more than 80% of your retina in one image, allowing the doctor to detect even the earliest signs of disease that appears on your retina.
Optical Path Difference Scanning System: This device enables the measurement of the curvature of the front surface of your eye, which is important in recommending the appropriate prescription for corrective lenses, if needed.
Topographer: With this device, we can develop a curvature map of the front surface of the eye, which is useful in fitting contact lenses more effectively.
Digital camera: Using light, we are able to take photographs of the blood vessels, optic nerve and retina in the back of your eye. With benchmark photo-documentation, we can more closely monitor small changes that may occur over time.
Optical Coherence Tomographer (OCT): This special camera uses light to scan and provide detailed cross sections of various parts of the eye. This can help with early detection of diseases that affect your central vision such as: age-related macular degeneration and diabetes, systemic conditions that may cause swelling of the optic nerve like glaucoma, and conditions that affect the cornea.
Visual field testing: This enables diagnosis and monitoring of diseases that affect the optic nerve, such as: glaucoma, strokes or pituitary tumours.
Our optometrists will review and explain all of the imaging results and findings to you as part of their recommendations in keeping your sight for life.