Sports Vision Training
Improving visual performance and optimizing your game!
What is Sports Vision?
In all sports, the ability to recognize, process and react to the play is a key part of performance. Creating efficiencies in the visual system allows for better awareness of other teammates and players, accuracy of passes and shots, and quicker anticipation of where the flow of the game will go.
At Mind's Eye, we customize vision training programs to help you achieve your peak performance. We work to build efficiencies in your visual game so that you stand out above the competition.
Our very own Vision Trainers have first hand experience in Sport Vision from their own athletic careers. Click on the the images to become more acquainted with our VT's!
Visual skills that Sports Vision Training can enhance:
Eye-Hand Coordination
Peripheral vision and awareness
Depth perception
Concentration and focus
Reaction time and ability to anticipate
Visual processing