Background: During the completion of my B.A in Psychology and Human resources management I started working with Mind's Eye. I quickly learned that this office was not about being ordinary or sticking with the status quo. It was about making a difference and transforming lives. My position in the office has a huge role in making that possible. I am responsible for the day to day management of all HR operations creating back-end policies & procedures, hiring all team members and organizing team building & growth days to ensure our team is continuously learning and the culture of the office is maintained. I am passionate about what I do and love that a lot of what we learn here at Mind’s eye, not only helps us grow professionally, but also personally.
Giving Back: As a team, every year we help Handfullhearts prepare baskets for the families in Mount Sinai hospital. We also helped Silver Creek preschool reach their financial goal to build a playground! Relay for Life Walk for the Canadian Cancer Society.
Professional: York University, 2018; B.A Psychology and Human resources management
Personal interest: I love spending time with my family and friends, entertaining, I love being creative from owning an online based art business (Ricassa Blanca) to cooking and creating new recipes! I love to travel with my Husband and now our son as well! My husband and I have travelled to 40 different countries together and look forward to visiting many more, our goal is to visit the entire world then go back to all of our favourite places!